I tried the repair thing through the control panel and reboot, did not solve, same issues as described before. Virus definitions current version is 180129-2, program version is (build.
I guess sometimes I see both of those 'downloading file' messages followed by the 'Unknown error' after trying a few times on both buttons. Clicking the update for the program gives this 'Downloading file: ' followed by 'Unknown error,' and then it tries to do the 'Downloading file: prod-pgm.vpx,' repeating for the next 5 minutes in an unending loop. So Because of this I have given up on avast. Clicking the update for virus definitions gives this 'Downloading file: prod-pgm.vpx' followed by 'Unknown error,' and then it just repeats for the next 5 minutes in an unending loop. Has anyone using or used various AVAST software (antivirus to total security, etc.) ended up with a loss of audio on their pc It seems that installing and using avast on my 2 ASUS desktops and windows 10 causes the audio to be dead (like a permanent mute) No other security program does this.
Avast is telling me there's a new program version so I try and update both engine / virus definitions and program, and it just hangs after clicking the update button (for both of them).